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Thank you for nominating someone for a MAD (Making a Difference) Award.

Each award winner receives the equivalent of £150 in vouchers of their choice. If there is someone you believe deserves recognition for their willingness to go beyond their duty or has shown exemplary effort in adopting The Clinigen Way in their work, you should nominate the individual. All permanent employees are eligible to participate and be nominated.

Nomination process:
1. Nominations will be reviewed by the Chief People Officer every two months
2. Winners will be announced on Connect
3. Winners will be selected regardless of location, based on the merits of the nomination. This ensures that the most deserving winners are awarded

Thank you for your participation!

Question Title

* 1. Your name (first and last):

Question Title

* 2. Name of employee you're nominating (first and last):

Question Title

* 3. Office location of the employee you're nominating:

Question Title

* 4. Reason for nomination:

Question Title

* 5. Clinigen Way value demonstrated: