ICCPM Special Interest Groups Survey Question Title * 1. Are you involved in an ICCPM Special Interest Group? Yes No Question Title * 2. If you answered no for Question 1, what has stopped you from joining a SIG? Not interested in the topic Time is not accessible to me Technology/platform of delivery Language barrier Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. How often would you like to join a 1-hour meeting online? Every 3 weeks Once a month Once every 2 months Once a quarter Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. What is the most important factor to you in being a part of a Special Interest Group? Topic Time Current activities Question Title * 5. Why are you interested in joining a SIG? Contribute to report writing Knowledge sharing Learning from community of practice Networking International engagement Perspectives from other industries Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. What time of day suits you best? 8 - 9AM AEST / 6 - 7 AM SGT / 6 - 7 PM EDT / 11 PM - 12AM BST 12 - 1PM AEST / 10 - 11 AM SGT / 10 - 11 PM EDT / 3 - 4 AM BST 4 - 5PM AEST / 2 - 3 PM SGT / 2 - 3 AM EDT / 7 - 8 AM BST 6 - 7PM AEST / 4 - 5 PM SGT / 4 -5 AM EDT / 9 - 10 AM BST Other (please specify) Done