Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Children (SEQ-C (Muris, 2001)

DIRECTIONS:  Please read each question and rate (1-not at all, 2, 3, 4-Very well) how well it describes you.

Question Title

* 1. How well can you get teachers to help you when you get stuck on schoolwork?

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* 2. How well can you express your opinions when other classmates disagree with you?

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* 3. How well do you succeed in cheering yourself up when an unpleasant event has happened?

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* 4. How well can you study when there are other interesting things to do?

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* 5. How well do you succeed in becoming calm again when you are very scared?

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* 6. How well can you become friends with other children?

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* 7. How well can you study a chapter for a test?

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* 8. How well can you have a chat with an unfamiliar person?

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* 9. How well can you prevent to become nervous?

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* 10. How well do you succeed in finishing all your homework every day?

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* 11. How well can you work in harmony with your classmates?

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* 12. How well can you control your feelings?

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* 13. How well can you pay attention during every class?

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* 14. How well can you tell other children that they are doing something that you don’t like?

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* 15. How well can you give yourself a pep-talk when you feel low?

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* 16. How well do you succeed in understanding all subjects in school?

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* 17. How well can you tell a funny event to a group of children?

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* 18. How well can you tell a friend that you don’t feel well?

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* 19. How well do you succeed in satisfying your parents with your schoolwork?

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* 20. How well do you succeed in staying friends with other children?

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* 21. How well do you succeed in suppressing unpleasant thoughts?

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* 22. How well do you succeed in preventing quarrels with other children?

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* 23. How well do you succeed in not worrying about things that might happen?

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* 24. Please click your grade.

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* 25. Please indicate your gender below.