Greenwood PIPSC Branch Survey

We have prepared a brief survey for you to fill out to better inform us as to what types of events you are interested in, and would actually attend.

Every member who completes this survey will be entered into a draw for 1 x $50 gift card of the winners choosing (NSLC, Canadian Tire, Sobeys, Home Hardware, etc..).

The survey is short and will be used by the Greenwood Branch executive to inform planning of future events. Your participation is voluntary.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out to either myself, Bruce Deveau (Member at Large, PIPSC Greenwood Branch, or Chad Lacoste (President, PIPSC Greenwood Branch,

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* 1. What types of events would interest you enough that you would come out and attend? (BBQ? Hike to a local point of interest? Movie night? Dinner at a local establishment? Sport activity of some sort, etc)

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* 2. Does having to travel prevent you from attending an event?

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* 3. Are there any limitations that are keeping you from attending PIPSC events?

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* 4. What days/times would be best to host events that would maximize your chances of attending? (weekends? weeknights? lunchtime during the week?)

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* 5. Would you be more likely to attend PIPSC events if your significant other or children could also attend?

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* 6. Are you aware that PIPSC will pay the costs for attending these events? (Travel to and from is on you but we provide the meal or pay for the movie/provide refreshments for the PIPSC member, though we may not be able to cover the costs for your SO or children if they attend)

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* 7. Are you aware that we hold draws to give out prizes at every event? (at our recent AGM, we gave out T-shirts and Sweatshirts, water bottles, duffel bags, and more!)