Background and expectations

By completing this application, you are requesting to be considered for the Advisory Panel (AP) and the Review Committee (RC). According to KRS 158.6453, there will be three grade-banded advisory panels created for the review of the Kentucky Academic Standards for Reading and Writing and Assessment Blueprint. One panel will represent grades K-5, another for grades 6-8 and the third will represent grades 9-12. The advisory panels will review public comment and make recommendations about further reviewing and revising the standards. The RC will then review the recommendations from the AP and make decisions about reviewing and revising the standards.

Applicants who are invited to participate in the review of the Kentucky Academic Standards for Reading and Writing are expected to:

· Complete any pre-readings assigned and be prepared for discussions that will guide committee work;

· Attend and actively participate in all meetings;

· Work collaboratively with other committee members;

· Meet all deadlines; and

· Be prepared to work virtually, which may entail working after school hours, as well as during the summer months.