Welcome to our survey

A message from Professor Ian Chubb, Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science and Chief Scientist of Australia (2011 to 2016)

Photo of Professor Ian Chubb

Dear colleague,

Science and the work of scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians are core in our responses to the challenges faced by Australia and around the globe. A well-educated populace is necessary for a society to make rational and informed decisions about the future, while making a valuable contribution to the search for effective solutions to global challenges.

As we know, teachers are a major influence in determining students’ attitudes, beliefs and confidence in STEM. Both initial teacher education and professional learning opportunities throughout a teacher’s career are important to the ways teachers go on to influence their students.

The Australian Academy of Science provides independent, authoritative and influential scientific advice, promotes international scientific engagement, builds public awareness and understanding of science, and champions, celebrates and supports excellence in Australian science.

The Academy is a not-for-profit organisation of individuals elected for their outstanding contributions to science and research. Celebrating its 65th year in 2019, the Academy comprises a Fellowship of over 530 science leaders, including six Nobel Laureates.

The Academy’s education initiatives, Primary Connections, Science by Doing and reSolve: Maths by Inquiry programs are comprehensively planned, grounded in research, and showcase exemplary inquiry practices. External evaluations show positive outcomes for teaching and learning and highlight their ongoing contribution to Australian education.

With support from the Australian and State governments, the Academy programs have provided face-to-face professional learning to over 25,000 science and mathematics teachers since 2005, including Primary Connections workshops for over 2,000 initial teacher education students during 2014 to 2018.

The Academy regularly reflects on its projects and engages with stakeholder in order to continue providing relevant and effective support to Australian teachers in a dynamic and changing educational landscape.

As part of a current stage of reflection, the Academy is keen to explore and understand the ways in which Australian universities delivering initial teacher education include its approaches and resources in their courses and programs.  The Academy recognises the role of Universities as important voices to provide authentic perspectives about initial teacher education.  

I invite you to share information about how the Academy education programs are utilised in your context for initial teacher education. Your input is necessary and greatly valued as we work collaboratively to enhance the future of STEM education.