Neighborhood Survey 2024

The Columbia Levee Connector (formerly Argay-Parkrose greenway project) is a transformative initiative to build a multi-modal pathway (a path for those walking, biking, and rolling) between NE Sandy Blvd and NE Marine Drive at about 142nd (running north-south).

Do you live, work, or worship in the Parkrose, Argay Terrace, Russell, Parkrose Heights, Wilkes Community Group, and Hazelwood neighborhoods or surrounding areas?

We want to hear from you!
Give us feedback on the following questions so we can best understand how this proposed path would assist you and your community.

Question Title

Current location of proposed pathway. See the pin on Google Maps here.

<strong>Current location of proposed pathway. See the pin on Google Maps <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">here</a>.</strong>

Question Title

* What neighborhood best describes where you live?

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* I ______ in Parkrose, Argay Terrace, Russell, Parkrose Heights, Wilkes Community Group, Hazelwood or a nearby area (check all that apply).

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* I feel my neighborhood has enough safe, complete routes for walking and biking.

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* On a scale of 1-10, rate the quality (i.e. safety, accessibility, beauty) of the streets, paths, and trails in your community (Drag slider to select an option between 1 and 10).

1: Poor quality 5: About average 10: They are awesome!
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* How often (on average) do you walk, bike, or use a mobility device to take a trip (i.e. going to school, work, store, park, etc.)?

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* What challenges do you face when walking or biking in the area near this proposed path?

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* How often (on average) do these challenges influence your choice to walk or bike to take a trip (i.e. going to school, work, store, park, etc.)?

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* If there were a safe, accessible, and beautiful path connecting NE Marine Dr and NE Sandy Blvd at about 142nd, would you use it?

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* If we were to build a path in this area, what would your top priorities be? (Select three only)

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* For which reasons would you use this proposed path?

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* Which safety or design features of the path would encourage you to use it more? (Select three only)

We are committed to creating safe, inclusive processes and places for all people regardless of background or ability. We're asking these questions below to help us ensure we are reaching as diverse an audience as possible.

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* Is there anything else we should know that would make this the best path for you and your community?

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* Email

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* What cross streets do you live on?

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* What is your zip code?

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* What is your race/ethnicity?

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* What best describes your gender?

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* Do you own or rent your home?

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* How many children are you parent or guardian for and live in your household (aged 17 or younger only)?

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* What is your approximate average household income?

Want to get further involved? We will be hosting cleanups, community events, and feedback sessions this spring and summer. Email for more information.