Exit this survey GRADING AND REPORTING QUESTIONNAIRE Question Title * 1. Thank you for taking a few minutes to complete this survey. Name (Optional) Grade Level Years of Teaching Experience Subject(s) Question Title * 2. What do you believe are the major reasons we use report cards and assign grades to students’ work? Question Title * 3. Ideally, what purposes do you believe report cards or grades should serve? Question Title * 4. Although classes certainly differ, on average, what percent of the students in your classes receive the following grades: A B C D E or F Question Title * 5. What would you consider an ideal distribution of grades (in percent) in your classes? A B C D E or F Question Title * 6. The current grading system in many schools uses the following combination of letter grades, percentages, and/or categories: A 100% - 90% Excellent Exceptional B 89% - 80% Good Proficient C 79% - 70% Average Basic D 69% - 60% Poor Below Basic E or F 59% - Failing If you could make any changes in this system, what would they be? Question Title * 7. Is there an established, uniform grading policy in your school or district? Yes No I don't know Question Title * 8. How well would you say you understand those policies? Not at all Somewhat Very well Question Title * 9. Grades and other reporting systems serve a variety of purposes. Based on your beliefs, rank order the following purposes from 1 (Most important) to 6 (Least important). Communicate information to parents about students’ achievement and performance in school Provide information to students for self-evaluation Select, identify, or group students for certain educational programs (Honor classes, etc.) Provide incentives for students to learn Document students' performance to evaluate the effectiveness of school programs Provide evidence of students' lack of effort or inappropriate responsibility Question Title * 10. Teachers use a variety of elements in determining students' grades. Among those listed below, please indicate those that you use and about what percent (%) each contributes to students’ grades. Major examinations Oral presentations Major compositions Homework completion Unit tests Homework quality Class quizzes Class participation Reports or projects Work habits and neatness Student portfolios Effort put forth Exhibits of students’ work Class attendance Laboratory projects Punctuality of assignments Students’ notebooks or journals Class behavior or attitude Classroom observations Progress made Other (Describe) Other (Describe) Question Title * 11. What are the most positive aspects of report cards and the process of assigning grades? Question Title * 12. What do you like least about report cards and the process of assigning grades? Thank you for your responses. Done