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* 1. Thank you for taking a few minutes to complete this survey.

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* 2. What do you believe are the major reasons we use report cards and assign grades to students’ work?

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* 3. Ideally, what purposes do you believe report cards or grades should serve?

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* 4. Although classes certainly differ, on average, what percent of the students in your classes receive the following grades:

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* 5. What would you consider an ideal distribution of grades (in percent) in your classes?

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* 6. The current grading system in many schools uses the following combination of letter grades, percentages, and/or categories:

A 100% - 90% Excellent Exceptional
B 89% - 80% Good Proficient
C 79% - 70% Average Basic
D 69% - 60% Poor Below Basic
E or F 59% - Failing

If you could make any changes in this system, what would they be?

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* 7. Is there an established, uniform grading policy in your school or district?

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* 8. How well would you say you understand those policies?

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* 9. Grades and other reporting systems serve a variety of purposes. Based on your beliefs, rank order the following purposes from 1 (Most important) to 6 (Least important).

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* 10. Teachers use a variety of elements in determining students' grades. Among those listed below, please indicate those that you use and about what percent (%) each contributes to students’ grades.

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* 11. What are the most positive aspects of report cards and the process of assigning grades?

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* 12. What do you like least about report cards and the process of assigning grades?

Thank you for your responses.