ActionTalks Survey 2024
Please enter your name, teacher's name and school
How old are you?
Since researching and writing your speech, do you have an increased understanding of sustainable development issues, the root causes of poverty, and our global interconnectedness? (For example have you an increased understanding of climate change, gender inequality, economic injustice or gender-based violence)
Yes I have an increased understanding of sustainable development issues, the root causes of poverty, and our global interconnectedness.
My understanding of sustainable development issues, the root causes of poverty, and our global interconnectedness is the same as it was before.
I feel more confused about sustainable development issues, the root causes of poverty, and our global interconnectedness.
I'm not sure
What issues have you learnt more about?
Since researching and writing your speech, did you take any actions based on what you learnt?
I talked to my family about what I learnt.
I talked to my friends about what I learnt.
I wrote to a local newspaper about what I learnt.
I wrote to my local politician about what I learnt.
I organised an event on the topic.
I have since volunteered with a charity.
I have made lifestyle changes.
I shared information about the topic on social media.
I didn't take an action.
Other actions (please specify)
Please share any examples of ways you took action (issues, lifestyle changes, information sharing).
In 2023, the Irish government has budgeted to spend 0.35% of Ireland's gross national income on overseas development aid. Ireland has committed to reaching 0.7% of gross national income by 2030. This funds programmes that help prevent poverty, uphold human rights and promote gender equality. Following your research, do you support the Irish government's overseas development aid programme, funded by Irish Aid?
Yes, I support the government's overseas development programme more than I did before.
Yes, I support the government's overseas development programme the same as I did before.
No, I support the Irish government's overseas development programme less than I did before.
I don't know
Why/why not?
Current Progress,
0 of 8 answered