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* 1. Name (Optional):

Question Title

* 2. Your role at University of Washington (please check all that apply):


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* 3. What are the key positive attributes and most attractive features of UW and the surrounding community and how might those be used to attract the best candidates?

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* 4. Based on your experience at UW, what do you see as the short-term (immediate) opportunities facing the new University President?

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* 5. Based on your experience at UW, what do you see as the long-term (three to five years) opportunities facing the new University President?

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* 6. Based on your experience at UW, what do you see as the short-term (immediate) challenges facing the new University President?

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* 7. Based on your experience at UW, what do you see as the long-term (three to five years) challenges facing the new University President?


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* 8. Given the challenges and opportunities you have described, what professional experiences and qualifications must the new University President have in order to be successful?

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* 9. Given the challenges and opportunities you have described, what personal qualities must the new University President have in order to be successful?


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* 10. Additional comments for UW faculty, staff, and students. From the particular perspective offered by your position at the UW (e.g. role; location of campus; nature of contract etc.), please provide additional comments on what you believe the priorities should be for the next UW President.

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* 11. Additional comments (general).


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* 12. If you wish to nominate potential candidates to be University President, please provide their name(s) and contact information (if available) in the space below: