CPSA Supermarket Price Survey
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1800 451 488
and we can put you in touch with support in your area.
Do you depend on Coles or Woolworths for your regular grocery shopping?
No, I can do all of my regular grocery shopping without going to Coles or Woolworths
Yes, I can do most of my shopping elsewhere, but I regularly have to go to Coles or Woolworths for a few items
Yes, I can get a few regular items elsewhere, but I have to do most of my shopping at Coles or Woolworths
Yes, but I can choose between going to either a Coles or a Woolworths
Yes, I only have one local supermarket
Other/would rather not say
If you have something more you would like to say, please type it in the box below:
When shopping at Coles or Woolworths, have you had to change your regular shopping habits due to inflation/shrinkflation over the past 6 months?
Yes, I have had to cut back on some items in order to afford my regular groceries
Yes, I have had to buy cheaper equivalents of my regular groceries
Yes, I have had to rely on specials or deals to afford some or all of my regular groceries
Not particularly
I avoid shopping at Coles or Woolworths
Other/would rather not say
If you have something more you would like to say, please type it in the box below:
Are you able to find cheaper equivalents to products at Coles and Woolworths?
Yes, I can find many of my groceries for lower prices elsewhere
Yes, but I can only find some of my groceries for lower prices elsewhere
Yes, if prices are too high at Coles I can often find cheaper equivalents at Woolworths or vice versa
No, prices are equivalent everywhere I look
No, I have no other grocery shops nearby
I avoid shopping at Coles or Woolworths
Other/would rather not say
If you have something more you would like to say, please type it in the box below:
Do you often buy home brand Coles or Woolworths products?
Yes, because they are more affordable
Yes, because I prefer them
Yes, because there are few brand name equivalents
No, because I prefer other products
No, because they are an equivalent price to other products
I avoid shopping at Coles or Woolworths
Other/Would rather not say
If you have something more you would like to say, please type it in the box below:
Is there anything else you would like to tell us?