*This application form is no longer open*

Calling all adventurers... we're looking for teams to take on a Slow Ways Trail this summer to help us create a national walking network while creating and sharing your stories to inspire others to walk or wheel too.

To achieve this we're offering you the chance to take on one of a series of Slow Ways Trails all around Britain and are offering £600 as a contribution towards the expenses of you and your team.

What you need to do:

  • Please take a look at the Slow Ways Trails Application Information above and decide which you want to apply for, you can apply for up to three routes but first preferences will take precedence so please do select carefully.

  • Assemble your team and ensure all of you can walk all of the routes in the Trail by the deadline, though this doesn't have to be in one go.

  • Fill in your application, tell us about each of your team members as well as the story you want to tell and how your story might inspire others in the application form below. You can be as creative as you like!

  • The deadline for your submission is 11.59pm on Tuesday 4th of June and we will be briefing those selected between the 10th-18th June. All walks and reviews need to be completed by 11th August with final stories submitted by the 31st August 2024. Please check the Application Information for more information.

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* 1. Your Name

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* 2. Your E-mail Address

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* 3. Can you and your team complete the walking of all the routes in your Trail by 11th August 2024?

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* 4. If selected can you attend one of the following 1-hour briefing sessions?

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* 6. Optional: select up to two further Trails to be considered for should your application for your preferred route not be successful. Please still ensure you can commit to completing these in the timeline available too.

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* 7. Tell us a little about each of your team members. Who are they and what will they bring to your Trail?

Remember your team must have at least three members including you, who must all walk and review each Slow Ways route in the Trail.

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* 8. How will you be sharing your story with us? What medium(s) will you use? E.g. Photos, video, short written piece.

This will be published through our social media and Stories channel.

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* 9. Tell us more about the story you want to tell along the way. What themes might you explore? What things might you see? Who might you meet? We'd love to understand what you want to share

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* 10. Optional:

One of the aims of Slow Ways is to get more people walking more often, further and for more purposes. We know there are a multitude of reasons why people may not get involved in outdoor activities including being part of a marginalised group in society, age, physical or mental health, ease of access to opportunities, geography, income/finances to name a few.

How might your group, theme or submission idea highlight, champion or inspire others to feel that the outdoors could be for them?

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* 11. Finally, are you willing to spare 3 minutes to fill out our equal opportunities monitoring form? This will be a completely separate form to ensure anonymity.

If you are - please click this link, which will open a new window for you to complete that form. Then either way, select 'Done' from below and this form is complete!