Denver Public Schools Stakeholder Survey |
1. Denver Public Schools Stakeholder Survey
Dear Denver Public Schools (DPS) Students, Parents, Teachers, School Leaders, and Staff:
The Denver Public Schools (DPS) has contracted The Multicultural Leadership Center (MLC), LLC to conduct a research project, La Raza Report. The goal of this project is to identify barriers and opportunities for Latino students, parents, and staff within Denver Public Schools. As part of this project, MLC will be conducting focus groups with students, parents, teachers, school leaders, and school staff within select schools. We will also conduct focus groups with DPS central office staff.
However, since we are not able to meet with all DPS students, parents, staff, and school leaders we are offering the chance for all Latinx/Hispanic stakeholders to participate in this project. Therefore, we offer this survey for those who would like to give feedback to the research team.
The purpose of this survey is to get your thoughts and opinions about your experience within DPS.
This survey has six Sections:
· one for students,
· one for parents,
· one for teachers,
· one for school leaders,
· one for non-leader school staff, and
· one for central office.
Please select the Section that best describes your relationship with DPS by clicking on your group.
Once you have completed your Section on the survey, please click the the Next Button until you reach the Done button. Then click the Done button.
Your responses will remain confidential. Only the MLC Team Researchers will have access to the data.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback will help ensure positive experiences for Latino students, parents, and staff. The Denver Public Schools and the overall Denver community will benefit and flourish with your assistance.
Steve DelCastillo, PhD, Principal Investigator