April DPPD Digital Sign In Sheet Make 1 entry for each day of PD. For instance, if you had PLCs for an hour and CBD for 3 hours, enter this as one PD for a total of 4 hours.

1.Email address (Must match MOECS)(Required.)
2.First Name (Name must match what is in MOECS).(Required.)
3.Last Name (Name must match what is in MOECS). 
4.PIC Number (Needed to get SCECHs. Enter 0 if not needed or you don't have one).(Required.)
5.Select your building.(Required.)
6.Name of your PD session/workshop? Ex: Remote Instruction Essentials or PLC.
7.How long was your PD time for this date? THIS IS TOTAL TIME DOING PD FOR THIS DATE. 
Current Progress,
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