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Thank you for participating in the Colorado Airborne Snow Observatories (CASO) planning project survey! Your responses will help the project's planning team develop recommendations for a statewide ASO program. We are hoping to gather a wide array of water sector perspectives--please forward the survey to colleagues and peers agencies. It is okay to have multiple people from one agency submit responses (with the agency information collected in the survey, we will ensure that one agency is not biasing responses). 

Your name, email, or agency will not be publicly shared with your responses. This information is optional to submit and will only be used by the project planning team to better understand the range of answers submitted and to reach back out if you demonstrate interest in future engagement with CASO.  In the project's final report and presentation materials, we may differentiate answers by sector.

The survey has seven sections and should take about 20-30 minutes to complete. Thanks! 

For more information on ASO and the CASO planning project, see the following project link:
0 of 35 answered