Canadians For Safe Technology Meetings Feedback Question Title * 1. Please tell us which C4ST group you think you belong to: Community Member Riding Member Riding Representative Youth Group Not sure Question Title * 2. Please check the days of the week that would be best for you to attend our late afternoon/early evening meetings: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Question Title * 3. How often per month would you like to meet? Once Twice Weekly Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. How long would you like each formal meeting to be? We can continue to have informal discussions afterwards for those who would like to stay. 1 1/2 hours 1 hour Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Please answer this question if you are a Riding Representative or Riding Member.Do you read the chat notes distributed after each Riding Representative/Riding Member meeting? Yes Sometimes Rarely Never Question Title * 6. If you answered "Yes" or "Sometimes" in Question 5, what do you find most valuable in the Chat Notes? Notice of the next meeting Action Items Web links Comments made during the meetings Speaker presentations Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Indicate which 5 of these topics you are most interested in learning more about. The effects of RF-EMF radiation on human health CEPA (Canadian Environmental Protection Act), the effects of wireless radiation on the environment (plants and animals) Energy consumption of wireless (e.g., the effects of wireless technologies on climate change) Safer alternatives to Wireless 5G (e.g., Fiber optics to the premises) Safe Tech practices in schools Safe Tech practices in homes Safety Code 6 Accommodations for Electrosensitivity: Accessible Canada Act (ACA), Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA - U.S.) HESA Recommendations Court actions and legal victories Success stories from communities around the world Advocacy 101 - How to speak to politicians Rooftop transmissions - Outdoor, fixed wireless network infrastructure attached to residences (OTARD - Over the air receiving devices) Antenna sitting policies across Canada vs. ISED default process Connecting with other grassroots groups Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. Indicate which of these areas you are most interested in working on/taking action on. Protecting our health (advocating for better exposure guidelines, for the implementation of the HESA Recommendations) Protecting vulnerable people (advocating for accommodations for electrosensitive people, hospital patients, elderly) Protecting children in schools (advocating for wired schools and Safe Tech practices) Protecting the environment (advocating for inclusion of EMR in the Canadian Environmental Protection Act - CEPA) Advocating for safer alternatives (wired instead of wireless) Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. If you had the time, how do you see yourself best contributing to this cause? Government relations (speaking to politicians) Public relations, engagement, education (reaching out to the public in-person, on social media, or by other means) Stakeholder relations (reaching out to like-minded organizations, such as environmental, wildlife protection, human rights, consumer protection, etc.) Developing our advocacy tools (doing research, writing compelling text, or graphic design) Other (please specify) Done