This survey is used to collect general information about community needs in your area. This information helps determine which needs are high priority and which needs are low priority. All information collected in this survey is anonymous and will NOT be used to identify you. These data are also analyzed collectively to further increase anonymity.

Question Title

* 1. What county do you live in?

Question Title

* 2. Please list the city, town, or area you live in.

Question Title

* 3. On a scale from 1 (very low priority) to 5 (very high priority), how do you prioritize the following needs?

  1. Very Low Priority 2 3 4 5. Very High Priority
The building of new homeowner units
The building of new rental units
Building more affordable housing
Rehabilitation of existing houses.
Financial assistance/counseling for housing
Fair housing education/services
Housing for individuals with special needs
Housing for senior citizens
weatherization/efficiency improvements
Access to housing in safer neighborhoods

Question Title

* 4. Do you understand your fair housing rights?

Question Title

* 5. Do you know where to file a housing discrimination complaint?

Question Title

* 6. In the past two years, housing discrimination in your community

Question Title

* 7. Do you believe you have experienced housing discrimination?

Question Title

* 8. If you answered, "Yes," on what basis do you feel you were discriminated against? Check all that apply.

Question Title

* 9. On a scale from 1 (very low priority) to 5 (very high priority), how do you prioritize the need to make improvements to the following?

  1. Very Low Priority 2 3 4 5. Very High Priority
Broadband internet
Upgrades to existing water/sewer lines
Expansion of water/sewer lines into unserved areas
Sewer treatment facilities
Water treatment facilities
Provide or improve fire protection
Roads, bridges, and sidewalks
Storm water drainage

Question Title

* 10. On a scale from 1 (very low priority) to 5 (very high priority), how do you prioritize the need to make improvements to the following?

  1. Very Low Priority 2 3 4 5. Very High Priority
Public safety facilities
Public safety equipment
Police, fire, and emergency medical services staffing levels
Neighborhood Watch programs
Public safety interaction/education with public and neighborhood groups

Question Title

* 11. On a scale from 1 (not safe at all) to 5 (very safe), how do you feel when walking outside in your neighborhood?

  1. Not Safe At All 2 3 4 5. Very Safe
During the day
During the night

Question Title

* 12. On a scale from 1 (very low priority) to 5 (very high priority), how do you prioritize the need to make improvements to the following?

  1. Very Low Priority 2 3 4 5. Very High Priority
General healthcare
Mental healthcare
Senior centers/activities
Adult daycare
Handicap access to public facilities
Parks/Playgrounds/Recreation areas

Question Title

* 13. On a scale from 1 (very low priority) to 5 (very high priority), how do you prioritize the need to make improvements to the following?

  1. Very Low Priority 2 3 4 5. Very High Priority
Job training centers and programs
Financial training/counseling
Employment assistance
Transportation to work

Question Title

* 14. On a scale from 1 (very low priority) to 5 (very high priority), how do you prioritize the need to make improvements to the following?

  1. Very Low Priority 2 3 4 5. Very High Priority
Amount of available land or buildings for business development
Technical assistance for small businesses
Infrastructure to support business or industry
Promoting and retaining existing businesses/industries
Creation of a more business friendly environment

Question Title

* 15. What type of businesses/industries would you like to see come to your community?

Question Title

* 16. What goods and services are not available in your community and require leaving your community to acquire?

Question Title

* 17. Are you a current or prospective business owner?

Question Title

* 18. If you answered, "Yes," do you have obstacles in your community that prevent your business from being competitive?

Question Title

* 19. If you answered, "Yes," explain what community issues you face that present barriers to the competitiveness of your business (i.e. infrastructure, roads, broadband access, population size, qualified employees, lack of financing/investment).

Question Title

* 20. On a scale from 1 (very low priority) to 5 (very high priority), how do you prioritize the need to make improvements to the following?

  1. Very Low Priority 2 3 4 5. Very High Priority
Litter removal/beautification
Housing rehabilitation
Demolition of dilapidated houses/buildings
Public safety/Neighborhood Watch initiatives
Improved sidewalks/lighting

Question Title

* 21. On a scale from 1 (very low priority) to 5 (very high priority), how do you prioritize the need to make improvements to the following?

  1. Very Low Priority 2 3 4 5. Very High Priority
Litter removal/beautification
Sidewalks/streetlights for downtown
Demolition of dilapidated buildings
Incentives for downtown businesses
Store front (facade) improvements
Improvements to downtown parking/traffic

Question Title

* 22. Select the top 3 areas you think the community should try to improve.

Question Title

* 23. To what degree do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

I would recommend my community to an outsider as a good place to live.

Question Title

* 24. Please list anything you want us to know about your community (needs, wants, concerns, etc.).

Question Title

* 25. What is your race/ethnicity?

Question Title

* 26. What is your sex?

Question Title

* 27. What is your age?

Question Title

* 28. What is your total household income (i.e. combined income of everyone living in your house)?

Question Title

* 29. What is your current level of education?