Alan I. Fields Award 2024
The Alan I. Fields Award is to be presented up to two members of the critical care profession for their scholarly work. Practitioners from all disciplines of Critical Care Medicine who fulfill the criteria listed below are encouraged to apply.
  • Current membership in SCCM Texas Chapter
  • Critical care medicine research (all disciplines) completed within the previous 12 months
  • Abstract accepted by SCCM for presentation at up-coming Annual Congress
  • Members may submit up to two (2) abstracts for review and may also be listed as a co-author on unlimited abstracts submitted by other individuals. Should someone submit more than two abstracts, he or she will be asked to select which abstract(s) to withdraw from consideration.

Selection Process

The Alan I. Fields Award winners will be selected by the Awards Committee through a competitive selection process. Please pay attention to the submission deadline for a given year.

It should be noted that the Alan I. Fields Award is contingent upon acceptance of the submitted abstract by the SCCM for presentation at their up-coming Annual Congress. If the Alan I. Fields Awards committee selects a recipient but the recipient’s abstract is not accepted for presentation by SCCM, the Award will not be granted.

All abstracts will be graded per a standardized 20 –point rubric on significance and impact, approach, quality, and analysis. Only abstracts meeting the predetermined minimum score will be eligible for the Alan I. Fields award.

Alan I. Fields Award Recipients

The First-Place and Second-Place recipients of the Alan I. Fields Award will receive up to $1,500 and $1,000, respectively, to be utilized for any SCCM or Texas SCCM related educational activity for the next two years. Costs for leisurely activities and alcohol will not be reimbursed. In order for recipients to be reimbursed, all original receipts must be submitted to the Treasurer of SCCM Texas Chapter within 30 days of returning from congress. Winners will be reimbursed only upon completion of their presentation and submission of itemized receipts.

Alan I. Fields Award Recipient Obligations

Recipients are expected to present their scholarly work via poster or platform presentation at the SCCM Annual Congress. Additionally, recipients are expected to present their work at the end of the year SCCM Texas Chapter meeting in February or March.

Question Title

* 1. Nominee first and last name

Question Title

* 2. Nominee's Email

Question Title

* 3. Nominee's current position/title

Question Title

* 4. Nominee's current employer

Question Title

* 5. Title of Abstract

Question Title

* 6. List all authors with professional designations (lead author first)

Question Title

* 7. Please upload your abstract below. Each submission is limited to a total of 2,400 characters, including  spaces. The body may contain 2,300 characters. The title may contain 100 characters and should be in title case.
For original research, abstracts should contain the following sections: Introduction/Hypothesis, Methods, Results, Conclusions. For case reports, abstracts should contain the following sections: Introduction, Description, Discussion.

DOC, DOCX file types only.