Higher Education rapidly moving online due to the Coronavirus

Due to the Coronavirus universities moved rapidly to online learning.
This questionnaire seeks your anonymous views on this transition.
1.What is your academic discipline?(Required.)
2.What is your previous experience with elearning?(Required.)
3.In what way have your instructional methods changed compared to face-to-face teaching? What if anything are you doing with your online teaching that is different from classroom teaching?(Required.)
4.I received technical training on how to use the institutional online platform and/or other technologies.(Required.)
5.I received instructional/pedagogical training on how to use the institutional online platform and/or other technologies.(Required.)
6.What was your biggest challenge moving rapidly to online learning? Please comment briefly.(Required.)
7.Have any of your students encountered any problems with the transition from face-to-face to online delivery? If yes, what issues did they raise? Please comment briefly.(Required.)
8.Did you ask your students to evaluate the transition to online learning?(Required.)
9.Has your institution asked you to evaluate the transition to online learning?(Required.)
10.Any other comments on the rapid transition to online learning.
Current Progress,
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