Lend your voice to set the direction for the Alliance!

This page serves as an expression of your desire to attend the Alliance for Digital Pathology meeting ahead of the Pathology Visions conference. Please register your information, and we will contact you if you are chosen to attend.

At its founding, the Alliance agreed on the need for cooperation and universal input, in the form of innovative projects to inform scientific and regulatory questions critical to the field’s growth. To that end, we are hosting a meeting ahead of the Digital Pathology Visions Conference - looking forward to seeing you there! 

Additionally, the Alliance agreed to administer a survey to get the process started, and gauge particular areas of interest. As such, you are also being asked to participate in this survey to help set the priorities for the Alliance for Digital Pathology. Your responses will direct focus areas for the Alliance, especially with regards to which projects the Alliance will eventually support. These data will be shared with the group at the Alliance Visions meeting in October in anonymized fashion. 

Please respond to the survey questions and provide additional comments where appropriate. Your participation in the survey will increase your chances of being invited to the Alliance meeting on Oct. 5th, 2019. 

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. If you are looking to attend the meeting, we have planned breakout sessions to capture the vantage point of the participants.  Please select your TOP 3 choices from the 8 topics below, ranking them from 1-3 with 1 being your top choice:

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* 3. We are considering making some of the anonymized response data part of a future publication. Are you ok with this?

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* 4. Will you participate in the survey?