About the survey

Over the past four years, Trusted Autonomous Systems (TAS) has worked with government, Defence, industry and academic stakeholders to develop tools and resources that assist users to better understand and navigate regulatory frameworks for autonomous systems.

We now propose to conduct a short survey on how these resources and tools are being used so that we can target our future efforts.

This survey specifically focuses on the RAS-Gateway and Australian Code of Practice for the Design, Construction, Survey & Operation of Autonomous & Remotely Operated Vessels (Code of Practice).

Why is TAS conducting a survey?
The RAS-Gateway and Australian Code of Practice were delivered as part of TAS’ suite of 'common good' activities in partnership with the Queensland Government under its Assurance of Autonomy (A2) initiative.

Consistent with regulatory best practice, we want to know if these resources and tools are being used, and if they are assisting users to identify, navigate and comply with relevant regulatory requirements for autonomous systems.

Given the ‘greenfields’ nature of the regulatory environment for autonomous vessels and systems in Australia when the resources and tools were developed, it may be the case that the number and kind of users may have changed, as may users’ needs from the materials.

NOTE: The purpose of the survey is not to conduct a substantive review of the RAS-Gateway or Code of Practice.
The survey seeks feedback on users’ access to and experience with two key measures, both of which were funded through the Queensland Government A2 initiative:

1. RAS-Gateway: The RAS-Gateway is a digital hub providing access to resources and tools to support the Australian autonomous systems ecosystem to navigate regulatory frameworks with greater certainty and efficiency. They do this by assisting operators, designers and other stakeholders associated with autonomous vessels to understand their requirements, and obtain any necessary permissions associated with the development, testing and use of autonomous vessels.

The RAS-Gateway is available at www.rasgateway.com.au

2. Australian Code of Practice for the Design, Construction, Survey & Operation of Autonomous and Remotely Operated Vessels: The Code of Practice is a key resource on the RAS-Gateway and is intended to provide:
- a reference point for best practice for the design, construction, survey, and operation of autonomous and remotely operated vessels in Australia, and
- a voluntary standard against which to demonstrate compliance when applying to the Australian Maritime Safety Authority to operate.

The Australian Code of Practice is available at www.rasgateway.com.au/resource-hub/australian-code-of-practice-for-the-design-construction-survey-and-operation-of-autonomous-remotely-operated-vessels

Get in touch
If you would like more information about this survey, or either the RAS-Gateway or Australian Code of Practice, please contact clare.east@tasdcrc.com.au.
Write a description of your survey here. Select any question below to change it. Then add questions as needed.

Question Title

* 1. What organisation do you work for?

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* 2. How did you hear about the RAS-Gateway and/or Australian Code of Practice?

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* 3. Have you or your organisation accessed or used the RAS-Gateway to support the process of obtaining any certificate or other approval in relation to an autonomous, remotely operated or remotely controlled vessel or system?

Please answer YES or NO, and explain your answer.

Question Title

* 4. Have you or your organisation accessed or used the Australian Code of Practice to support the process of obtaining any certificate or approval in relation to an autonomous, remotely operated or remotely controlled vessel or system? (For example, to apply for an AMSA certificate, specific exemption or approval under an AMSA general exemption.)

Please answer YES or NO, and explain your answer.

Question Title

* 5. Have you or your organisation accessed or used the RAS-Gateway or Australian Code of Practice for a purpose other than to obtain certification or approvals?

Please answer YES or NO, and explain your answer.

Question Title

* 6. If you or your organisation have accessed or used the RAS-Gateway, did you find it useful?

Please answer YES or NO, and explain your answer.

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* 7. If you have accessed the Australian Code of Practice, did you find it useful? (For example, in obtaining a certificate, exemption or approval; developing a safety management system; or developing internal policies and procedures.)

Please answer YES or NO, and explain your answer.

Question Title

* 8. Have you or your organisation accessed the RAS-Gateway or Code of Practice more than once?

Please answer YES or NO, and use the comment box to tell us how often you have accessed either the RAS-Gateway or Australian Code of Practice.

Question Title

* 9. Would you recommend the RAS-Gateway as a tool or resource?

Please answer YES or NO and explain your answer.

Question Title

* 10. Would you recommend the Australian Code of Practice as a tool or resource?

Please answer YES or NO, and explain your answer.

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* 11. Are there any other resources or tools that you use to assist in identifying or managing regulatory compliance obligations for autonomous vessels and systems?

Please answer YES or NO and explain your answer.

Question Title

* 12. What would make you more likely to use or access the RAS-Gateway or Australian Code of Practice?

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* 13. Do you have any other comment that you would like to make on the RAS-Gateway or Australian Code of Practice?

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100% of survey complete.