Patient Care Staff,
If you have accessed this survey link you have also received some information about the St. Joseph Safe Staffing Committee to include the members of the committee. Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this survey. We know that you are asked to complete surveys on a regular basis! At St. Joseph Medical Center we are creating a culture of continuous performance improvement as we continue to improve the patient care work environment. Please contact your safe staffing committee members if you have any questions.

St. Joseph Medical Center Staffing Committee

SJMC Staffing Committee Membership:
Jakki Stodola, RN Director/Co Chair
Linda Burbank, RN/Co-Chair
Sally Budack, RN
Linda Burbank, RN
Stephanie Brazil, RN Clinical Manager
Leticia Donnelly-Kauffman, RN
Tabatha Farrington, RN Clinical Manager
Margaret Gallagher, RN
Melissa Garcia, RN
Denise Mills, RN Clinical Manager
Teresa Montoya, RN Director
Jennifer Schneider, RN
Celeste Tufts, RN
Haley Wahl, RN/Clinical Manager
Kate Waterman, RN/Clinical Manager

Adhoc Members:
Samantha Fentress, RN Clinical Manager
Ruth Flint, RN VP
Oakley Myers, RN
Shelly Pollock, RN
Hanna Welander , WSNA Rep
****This report contains confidential and or privileged material protected by RCW 70.41.200.

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* 2. Specify Your Primary Department

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* 3. The work load is manageable

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* 4. I am able to give my patients safe care.

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* 5. I have time to meet the educational and emotional needs of my patients and their family.

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* 6. I have time to thoroughly evaluate and assess my patients.

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* 7. Staffing assignments are safe and appropriately paired with skill levels.

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* 8. I feel supported by the resource staff

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* 9. Staffing assignments are able to accommodate admission and transfers.

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* 10. Staffing assignments are able to accommodate changes in patient conditions.

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* 11. I am able to take my breaks and lunch at a reasonable and appropriate time.

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* 12. My unit has the necessary supplies and equipment to allow for safe and efficient patient care.

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* 13. I have adequate time to spend orienting/precepting new staff.

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* 14. My manager is supportive when told of safety concerns regarding staffing.

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* 15. Help is readily available when a second person is needed for patient care.

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* 16. I am able to complete my shift on time.

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* 17. I am able to complete my documentation prior to the end of my shift.

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* 18. My Unit has a structured process to facilitate breaks