2024 LGBTQ+ Community Iftar Post-Event Survey

Thank you for attending the LGBTQ+ Community Iftar! We kindly ask that you take a few minutes to fill out a brief survey about your experience at the gathering. Be as honest as possible. Thank you!
1.Did you attend the 2024 LGBTQ+ Community Iftar?(Required.)
2.How did you hear about the event?(Required.)
3.Have you ever attended any other programming or events at The Center?(Required.)
4.If yes, when did you last attend this program/event?
5.Please rate your level of satisfaction with each of the following:(Required.)
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Your overall enjoyment of the event
Your safety and comfortability in the space
The organization of the event
The quality of the performances
The quality of the food served at the event
6.How likely are you to attend future Center events?(Required.)
Extremely Unlikely
Extremely Likely
7.What was your favorite part of the experience today?(Required.)
8.If you could change one thing about the experience, what would it be?(Required.)
We are so grateful for your help with this survey, and are glad you were able to join us for the event. If you have any additional feedback please share it below.
9.Additional Feedback