Texas State Independent Living Council Membership Application

Thank you for your interest is serving as a Member of the Texas State Independent Living Council.  This document serves as an application for recommendation for Texas SILC membership. The Texas SILC coordinates with the Governor’s Office for appointments to the SILC. Completing this document will provide Texas SILC sufficient information to make formal recommendations as Members of the SILC.  This application, however, does not replace the Governor’s Office required appointment application and accompanying process. 

The Texas State Independent Living Council (SILC) is a private nonprofit organization tasked with developing the State Plan for Independently Living (SPIL) along with its Independent Living Network consisting of 27 Centers for Independent Living, which provide direct services to Texans with disabilities.  The SPIL is a three-year strategic plan that sets the goals and framework for Independent Living Services in Texas. Texas SILC is committed to supporting the Texas Independent Living Network and those efforts are led by a Governor-appointed Council, which consists of Texans with disabilities, advocates, and representatives. Texas SILC meets four times per year in different locations across Texas in partnering Center for Independent Living service areas.

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* 1. Name:

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* 2. Full Mailing Address:

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* 3. Email Address:

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* 4. Telephone or Cell Phone Number:

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* 5. Demographic information:

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* 6. Are you employed by a Center for Independent Living? If so, please indicate your position.

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* 7. Are you employed by a State agency?

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* 8. Are you a representative or member of an American Indian tribe?

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* 9. Are you an Ex-Officio member representing a state agency? If so, what agency do you represent?

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* 10. Are you a person with a disability? If so, please share the nature of your disability (e.g. spinal-cord; visual; cognitive disability).

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* 11. Are you a person who is a parent or guardian of an individual with a disability?

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* 12. The Texas State Independent Living Council meets in different locations throughout the state of Texas no less than four (4) times a year.  Are you able to travel to these meetings?

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* 13. SILC Quarterly Meetings are normally at least one full day and sometimes fall during the work week based on members availability.  Would you be able to meet given that information?

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* 14. Are you a disability advocate, a representative of a private business, or a representative from an organization who provides services to individuals with a disability? If so, please explain.

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* 15. What interests you about being Council Member of the Texas State Independent Living Council?

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* 16. What strengths or skills do you think you can contribute as a Member of the Texas State Independent Living Council?

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* 17. Tell us about a challenge or barrier you have overcome in which you learned something or in which you are proud.

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* 18. Is there anything else you would like us to know to assist with your recommendation to the Office of the Governor in an effort to be a Texas State Independent Living Council Member? If so, what?