Reopening the Worthington School District

The Worthington School Committee is very interested in hearing from families regarding their thoughts on the opening of school this year. After you have read the Re-Opening documents from Superintendent/ Principal Morse-Dobosz, please take a few moments to complete the survey below to help Gretchen and the School Committee consider community perspectives.

The School Committee will be meeting on Thursday, August 6th. Our School Committee members would like to have your feedback by Tuesday, August 4th.

1.In which grades do you have children this coming year?
2.How comfortable are you sending your children to school this year under the “In-Person Model”? 
Least comfortable 
Most comfortable
3.How comfortable are you sending your children to school this year under the “Hybrid Model”?
Least comfortable
Most comfortable
4.How prepared do you feel your child/family is to actively engage in a full Remote Model?
Least comfortable
Most comfortable
5.If the decision is to return to the school in the In-Person Model, will your child(ren)attend?
6.If the decision is to return to school in the Hybrid Model, is your family planning to opt-in to the alternative Remote Learning option?

7.If you had to choose between the three models described in the plan, which would you choose?
8.Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns you would like us to address?

9.Name (Optional)