Please note that participation in this survey is voluntary and anonymous. Therefore, the data collected will be confidential and tabulated without knowing the identity of the responder. In addition, you may voluntarily withdraw from completing the survey at any time throughout the survey.

By completing this survey, you will assist Community Living Essex County to provide the best possible service experience to you and your family member. This survey should take 10-15 minutes to complete. We thank you for your time and valued input.

Please read the following statements and pick the answer that best applies to you and your family member’s experience.

The deadline date for survey completion is by the end of the day on Monday, September 30th.

Question Title

* 1. What is your relationship with the person supported by Community Living Essex County?

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* 2. What type(s) of support does your family member receive? (Select the one that applies)


Question Title

* 3. Community Living Essex County employees interact with my family member in a respectful manner.

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* 4. Community Living Essex County helps my family member make progress toward goals and dreams that are important to them.

Question Title

* 5. Community Living Essex County does a good job in responding to the needs of my family member.

Question Title

* 6. Employees assist my family member to grow and develop skills in areas identified by them.

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* 7. Please provide any feedback or other comments that will help us enhance our supports.

Person Directed

Question Title

* 8. My family member has an opportunity to make meaningful decisions about each day (daily schedule, activities, meals).

Question Title

* 9. My family member has control and self-directs their goals and how they want their life to proceed now and in the future.

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* 10. Please elaborate and explain. Provide feedback on how we can enhance your family member’s life.

Question Title

* 11. The employees provide information to my family member in a way that is appropriate to assist the person to make decisions.

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* 12. Please provide any feedback or comments that will help enhance your family member’s ability to direct their support.


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* 13. My family member’s home environment is safe.

Question Title

* 14. Employees balance risk and safety, ensuring that my family member receives information they understand so they can make good decisions, explore new experiences and stay safe.

Question Title

* 15. Please provide any feedback to comments that will help Community Living Essex County enhance the safety of your family member.


Question Title

* 16. My family member has opportunities to connect with the important people who are in their life in any way possible (phone, email, Skype, Zoom, in person), using any possible technology if needed.

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* 17. Employees keep me well informed about the care, well-being and activities of my family member in the manner requested and as often as desired.

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* 18. I am aware of who to contact if I have concerns and I feel that my concerns are addressed in a timely manner.

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* 19. Please provide any feedback or comments that will enhance family member connections.


Question Title

* 20. I am satisfied with my family member’s opportunities to engage in a variety of activities in the community.

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* 21. Please provide feedback or comments on how we can enhance your family member’s involvement in their community.

Question Title

* 22. On a scale of 1-10 with one being lowest score and 10 being highest score, how likely would you recommend Community Living Essex County services and supports to a family member or friend?

Question Title

* 23. If you have any specific concerns and you would like us to follow-up with you, please provide your name and contact information.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey!