Sponsors and Donors make it possible for us to keep the festival free of charge and open to the public. Therefore, it's important that we continue to expand our partnerships to ensure a high quality and accessible experience for festival attendees.
Please complete the form to share your interests to support the Danville Storytelling Festival (DSF). It is also important that potential sponsors and donors align with DSF's purpose and values. For additional assistance, please email info@danvillestorytelling.com.
"DSF is a family-oriented event that acts as an “artistic social bridge” - bringing communities together and celebrating how we are all connected using the rich tradition of storytelling, performances, and activism. Our projects celebrate, welcome, include, and support folks from minoritized backgrounds (e.g. LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, Rural, >75, Womxn, Folks that are Deaf & Hard of Hearing, Humble Income, English As a Second Language, etc.)."