Tell us what your ongoing impacts and needs are so we can target resources and support where it’s most needed. 

The Wairarapa Recovery Office in conjunction with partner organisations, is gathering information on the ongoing impact of Cyclones Hale and Gabrielle for people, whanāu, farming operations, businesses and communities in Wairarapa.

This information will help to ensure resources and support is targeted at the areas of most need during the ongoing cyclone recovery. 

Please take the time to complete this survey. It should take around 10 minutes to complete. 

Thank you in advance for taking part and sharing this information.  

This survey has now closed. If you would like more information about the ongoing recovery programme or would like support, please contact the Wairarapa Recovery Office by emailing

The Wairarapa Recovery Office was established following the 2023 cyclones to coordinate recovery efforts across the three district councils in Wairarapa (Masterton, Carterton, South Wairarapa).