Welcome to the Stanley College Agent Induction Training!

We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality assurance and providing our registered agents with the necessary knowledge and tools to best serve their clients.
This policy requires that all Education Agents appointed by Stanley College comply with the Migration Act, the ESOS Act and the National Code, to act ethically, honestly and in the best interests of students and uphold the reputation of Australia’s international education sector.

This training is designed to ensure compliance with the Australian Migration Act, the ESOS Act and its National Code, to act ethically, honestly and in the best interests of students and to uphold the reputation of Australia’s international education sector.  It will equip you with the necessary information and resources to navigate Stanley College's courses and policies effectively.

The Agent Induction Training is divided into five parts, each of which covers an essential aspect of working as an agent of Stanley College. These parts are:

1.         Product Training – Where to find course information?
2.         Admissions procedures and policies
3.         Understanding your legal obligations and responsibilities
4.         Financial matters – policies and payments
5.         Who to contact at Stanley College?

We understand that you may need to take a break during the training, and you are free to return at any time to continue where you left off. Please remember to save your progress as you go.

Before you begin the training, please provide us with some information about your agency to ensure that we can better serve you and your clients.

Thank you for choosing Stanley College as your partner in education. We look forward to working with you.