Lyceum Lounge Interest

Thank you for your interest in ICAA's Lyceum Lounge. 
The ICAA Lyceum Lounge is a place to learn, think, and talk about big ideas with neighbors, friends and colleagues. It's a place to become excellent and to make our community excellent. Share ideas for topics that you’d like discussed below.
What To Expect:
>A virtual Community Action gathering place, hosted by ICAA, for idea sharing.
>Lyceum Lounge discussion topics will be generated by the network.
>Monthly 60 minute gatherings, attend as you can.
>Topic will be sent out at least one week prior to gathering, ICAA is seeking discussion leaders.
>Resource sharing space will be provided on the ICAA website member portal.
Meeting Dates:
We will meet via Zoom on the fourth Tuesday each month from 12:30-1:30PM CST.
Please provide your contact information and ideas below and we'll keep you in the loop on this exciting initiative. 
5.What topics would you like discussed?
6.Are you willing to be a discussion leader? ICAA staff will assist as needed.