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** This is an Open Book Exam **
Suggest having a copy of the AusDBF Rules of Racing and AusDBF Regatta Operational Guidelines including Roles and Responsibilities available. Questions are based on National Rules not State by-laws.

The on-line re-accreditation requires an 80% pass mark (38 out of 48)
Race Officials who pass will receive an automated notification via revSPORT and will be renewed for a further 12 months.
Race Officials who do not achieve the passmark will be contacted by the ROMP representative in your state to discuss options
Race Officials who would like to move up a grade, are encouraged to discuss options with the ROMP representative.

When completed, click the blue button at the end to submit your answers

Question Title

* 1. Race Official Name

Question Title

* 2. Provide email address

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* 3. Provide mobile contact

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* 4. Have you completed the required elearning modules and provided the PDF certificate to AusDBF/ROMP

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* 5. Have you completed requirement of officiating at three (3) regattas, State Championships in the last 12 months and minimum of two (2 days) at AusChamps every two (2) years? If not please discuss options with your ROMP representative.

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* 6. List the regattas you have officiated at and what roles you have undertaken in the last 12 months. Regatta name, regatta date, official role

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* 7. Have you had your logbook signed off by the ROMP representative in your State?

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* 8. Name three (3) tasks the Chief Starter is responsible for Prior to race competition?
Three correct = 2 marks / Two correct = 1 mark

Question Title

* 11. Scenario 
Using a free-standing start, the wind has whipped up and is pushing the crews across the course.  
What action can you take to line the crews up and start the race as quickly as possible? In your answer please provide as much detail as you can
Maximum 4 marks 

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* 13. Name four (4) duties the Chief Water Umpire is responsible for?
Four correct = 3 marks / Three correct = 2 marks / Two correct = 1 mark

Question Title

* 14. Scenario
As Chief Water Umpire at a regatta and there is a collision between boats and one of the boats capsizes.  
What action do you take?  In your answer please provide as much detail as you can
Maximum 4 marks 

Question Title

* 19. Scenario
You are Chief Official at a regatta, and due to poor weather, late arrival of safety boats etc, the race program is running an hour behind schedule including racing finals. You are aware you must finish racing by 5pm to be off the water by dark. What action can you take to pick up some time? 
Maximum 4 marks 

Question Title

* 20. Scenario
Smoke haze has been settling all morning and by lunch time the air quality has deteriorated.  As Chief Official you have a decision to make about whether to proceed with the event.  
Which race officials and other event staff would you call upon for input? What variables would you consider when making this decision? In your answer please provide as much detail as you can
Maximum 4 marks 

Question Title

* 21. Scenario
This race is a 200m heat with 6 crews. At the 100m mark Lane 5 loses control of their boat and t-bones Lane 6, removing their tail and pushing the boat into a 90 degree turn. As Chief Official, who do you consult for an opinion and what action might you take based upon the evidence given?
Maximum 4 marks 

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