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** This is an Open Book Exam **
Suggest having a copy of the AusDBF Rules of Racing and AusDBF Regatta Operational Guidelines including Roles and Responsbilities available. Questions are based on National Rules not State by-laws.

The on-line re-accreditation requires an 80% pass mark (23 out of 29)
Race Officials who pass will receive an automated notification via revSPORT and will be renewed for a further 12 months.
Race Officials who do not achieve the passmark will be contacted by the ROMP representative in your state to discuss options
Race Officials who would like to move up a grade, are encouraged to discuss options with the ROMP representative.

When completed, click the blue button at the end to submit your answers

Question Title

* 1. Race Official Name

Question Title

* 2. Provide email address

Question Title

* 3. Provide mobile contact

Question Title

* 4. Have you completed the required elearning modules and provided the PDF certificate to AusDBF/ROMP

Question Title

* 5. Have you completed requirement of officiating at two (2) regattas plus State Championships in the last 12 months?. If not please discuss with your ROMP rep

Question Title

* 6. List the regattas you have officiated at and what roles you have undertaken in the last 12 months. Regatta name, regatta date, official role

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* 7. Have you had your logbook signed off by the ROMP representative in your State?

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* 8. Which Race Official is responsible for distribution of race results and race programs?
Both answers correct = 1 mark

Question Title

* 9. Name four (4) tasks the Race Secretary is responsible for. 
Four correct = 3 marks / three correct = 2 marks / two correct = 1 mark

Question Title

* 11. Senario
One of the Marshalls in your team comes to you in your roles as Chief Marshall, as they have observed a competitor is having difficulty standing up and appears distressed.  What action would you take? In your answer please provide as much detail as you can
Maximum 4 marks

Question Title

* 15. Senario
The Racing Serpents were assigned to boat 5 in race 12, however they decided to jump into boat 3 in race 12.  Explain why it is important for the Chief Boat Loader to ensure crews are loaded into the correct boats and races, and if they don’t, what impact this may have on results and the race program? In your answer please provide as much detail as you can
Maximum 4 marks

Question Title

* 16. Which two (2) of the following Race Officials does the Chief Judge directly work with?
(tick against the relevant roles)
Both correct answers = 1 mark 

Question Title

* 17. Name four (4) tasks the Chief Judge is responsible for?
Four correct = 3 marks / three correct = 2 marks / two correct = 1 mark 

Question Title

* 18. Senario
In a race, the Racing Serpents and Happy Dragons crossed the finished line at what appears to be the exact same time. Upon reviewing the photo finish and enlarging the pixels, the image is distorted and unclear to determine whether Racing Serpents or Happy Dragons had the nose in front.  
What decision would you make? Explain what action you would take for a final and for heat/repchage. In your answer please provide as much detail as you can
Maximum 4 marks

0 of 19 answered