Public Comment Survey

Want to tell your civic leaders what your community should be like in 20-30 years?

Want to tell them which issues you feel are most important?

Here’s your chance!

The City of Lula is updating their Comprehensive Plan that will help guide development and capital projects.  Lula can only achieve its vision if it knows what that vision is, so please take part in this process and tell us what you'd like the city to focus on.  All comments will be read and incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan, and all responses will be kept confidential.   

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* 1. I am submitting comments for Lula as a:

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* 2. I would like my community to try to _______ growth and development:

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* 3. New growth and development should be directed toward:

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* 4. Our community's most important asset that should be preserved in the future is:

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* 5. Our community's biggest liability that should be changed in the future is:

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* 6. With respect to economic development, our top priorities should be (pick 2):

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* 7. With respect to housing, our most important needs are (pick 2):

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* 8. With respect to historic and cultural resources, our most important issues are (pick 2):  

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* 9. For the following public services, please rank them in order of importance and note that some of these services are provided through a service agreement with other municipalities (1-8 with 1 being the most important):

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* 10. For the following quality of life issues, please rank them in order of importance (1-5 with 1 being the most important):

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* 11. Highway development can attract significant growth and development. Regarding these vital corridors in Lula, please rank the following in order of importance (1-6 with 1 being the most important):

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* 12. Please share any other questions, comments, concerns or issues you feel are important and would like to elaborate on regarding life in Lula and that have not been covered sufficiently in the survey questions above.