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The answers to the following questions will be used as part of the Union’s preparation for upcoming negotiations with your Employer.  Your input is an extremely important part of the process. Thank you for yourparticipation.

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* 1. First name?

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* 2. Last name?

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* 3. Company

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* 4. Store # or Location

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* 5. Cell Phone?

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* 6. Accept text messages?

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* 7. What is your email address?

Please select the response that most closely fits you.

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* 8. How old are you?

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* 9. Family Status:

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* 10. How long have you been employed with your current employer?


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* 11. On average, how many hours do you work each week?

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* 12. Which best describes your job title or department?

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* 13. What is your usual source of information about the Union?

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* 14. Regarding your family’s income, is this your primary or secondary source and is this your only job or do you have 2? (Select all that apply)

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* 15. Which of the following describes your health benefit situation?

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* 16. Please rank the following healthcare issues in order of importance regarding what you believe the Local 5 bargaining team should focus on in negotiations with your employer. (Rank the most important as number 1 and the least important as number 6.) Each issue can only have one answer

  1 2 3 4 5
Dental Vison 
Vison Coverage
Mental Health Services 
Dependent Premiums 
Annual Deductible 
Annual Out of Pocket Maximum 

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* 17. How much do you think your employer pays to the union health benefit plan on your behalf?

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* 18. Please rank the following issues in order of importance regarding what you believe the Local 5 bargaining team should focus on in negotiations with your employer. (Rank the most important as number 1 and the least important as number 5.) Each issue can only have one answer

  1 2 3 4 5
Health Benefits 
Protection and expansion of full-time opportunities
Job protection and union rights

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* 19. If you believe that you deserve a pay increase which of the following statements describes your justification for the increase (Select all that apply)

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* 20. Compared to three years ago do you believe your company is:

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* 21. Which of the following factors do you believe will have an impact (positive or negative) on 2021 contract negotiations? (Select all that apply)

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* 22. Which of the following activities are you willing to do to get a fair contract? (Select all that apply.)

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* 23. Who is your Local 5 Union Representative?

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* 24. Who is your shop steward?

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* 25. Do you have any other comments or suggestions regarding 2021 Grocery

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