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Loves-Me-Not: Impact Evaluation for Students
What school does this feedback relate to?
When was your Loves-Me-Not workshop?
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Learning: What were the main things you learned from Loves-Me-Not?
Student-led action: After Loves-Me-Not, did you take part in any student action to promote healthy relationships in your school or community? [select all that apply]
I don't know if there was any student action in my school or community
No, I did not take part in any student action in my school or community
Yes, we wrote articles for the school newsletter or local paper
Yes, we had a social media campaign
Yes, we took part in a fundraiser for a helping organisation (e.g. Women's Refuge)
Yes, we held a school competition for stories, artwork, posters etc
Yes, we made posters to display in the school or community
Yes, we ran events in the school (e.g. speakers, dramas)
Yes, we created songs or dances
Yes, we had a stall at a school fair or other school event
Yes, senior students helped junior students
Yes, we had a chalk drawing day about healthy relationships
Yes, we had a special day or week at the school (e.g. 'abuse-free week')
Yes, we took part in another type of action not listed here. If so, please describe what it was [max 300 characters]:
Behaviour change: As a result of doing Loves-Me-Not, have you used
anything you learnt in real life (eg in your own relationship, or with friends
or family)? [select all that apply]
No, I haven't had to use anything I learned.
Yes, when I was in an unhealthy relationship.
Yes, when my friend was in an unhealthy relationship.
Yes, when someone in my family or whanau was in an unhealthy relationship.
Yes, when someone else in my community was in an unhealthy relationship.
Yes, in some other way. If so. please describe what it was [max 300 characters]:
Anything else? Do you have any other comments about Loves-Me-