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Loves-Me-Not: Impact Evaluation for Facilitators
What school does this feedback relate to?
Are you a School, Police or NGO facilitator?
Other (please specify)
When was workshop component of your Loves-Me-Not implementation?
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Whole school approach: Besides the Loves-Me-Not workshop component, did this school undertake any of these other components of a whole school approach? [Page numbers refer to the Loves-Me-Not Implementation Guide]
Policies: Reviewed disclosure, abuse or sexual violence policies (page 5)
Skilled staff: Upskilled staff to deliver Loves-Me-Not and to deal with disclosures (page 5)
Safety-focused environment: Ensured safety-focused physical and social environment (page 5)
Consultation: Consulted with school community about place of relationship education in the curriculum (page 6)
Collaboration: Collaborated with relevant organisations to ensure safety for the students (page 6)
Parents and whānau: Informed parents and whānau about Loves-Me-Not (page 6)
Curriculum teaching and learning: Included learning activities related to healthy relationships in other learning areas
(page 6)
Any further comments about implementing Loves-Me-Not as a whole school approach [300 characters - if you wish to
provide a more detailed comment, please email]
Student-led action: After Loves-Me-Not did the students take action themselves to promote healthy relationships in their school or community? [select all that apply]
I don't know if they took part in any actions
No, they didn't take part in any actions
Yes, they wrote articles for school newsletter or local paper
Yes, they had a social media campaign
Yes, they took part in a fundraiser for a helping organisation (e.g. Women's Refuge)
Yes, they held a school competition for stories, artwork, posters etc
Yes, they made posters to display in the school or community
Yes, they ran events in the school (e.g. speakers, dramas)
Yes, they created songs or dances
Yes, they had a stall at a school fair or other school event
Yes, senior students helped junior students
Yes, they had a chalk drawing day about healthy relationships
Yes, they had a special day or week at the school (e.g. 'abuse-free week')
Yes, they took part in another type of action not listed here
Any further comments about student-led action. [300 Characters - if you wish to provide a more detailed comment, please email]
Anything else? Do you have any other comments about Loves-Me-Not?