Saline County Food Survey

Saline County is part of Pathways to a Healthy Kansas, a Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas initiative. The initiative is being managed by Live Well Saline County, a community coalition with representation from many agencies in Saline County. The purpose of this survey is to gather your perceptions about opportunities for healthy eating in our community. The information gathered in this survey will inform our efforts in ensuring that community members have healthy options to choose from. The survey should take about 5 minutes to complete. If you have any questions about the survey you can contact Daniel Craig, Live Well Saline County Chair, at 
Your responses to this survey will be compiled with other responses and will never directly identify your individual response. We are gathering some demographic information to ensure that we have heard from a broad representation of individuals in the community. You can choose to skip questions that you don't feel comfortable answering and you can stop at any time. Surveys need to be completed and turned in by March 12th. We thank you for your participation!
1.How frequently do you shop for food?
2.Which of the following best describes your role when it comes to buying groceries for your household?
3.Including yourself, how many people are in your household?
4.Where do you purchase the majority of your food?
5.How do you usually travel to shop for food?
6.What are the key challenges you have when purchasing food?
7.What are one or two things that would make it easier for you to access food?
8.What is your Age?
9.What is your gender identity?
10.Are you of Hispanic, Latinx, or Spanish origin?
11.Which of the following best describes you?
12.What is the highest level of education you have completed?
13.What is your annual household income (before taxes)?
Current Progress,
0 of 13 answered