This survey is part of a Wine Australia-funded trial led by Dr Vinay Pagay  ( from The University of Adelaide. The survey is aimed at establishing a baseline for irrigation practices in the region. Of specific interest for this survey include the factors influencing irrigation scheduling decisions as well as, optionally, variety-specific irrigation strategies. The information generated in this survey will enable a better understanding of irrigation best practices in the region.

Survey participants will remain anonymous and information will be de-identified. Following completion of the survey, pooled results will be made publicly available. If you wish to receive the survey results, please provide your email address in the box provided at the end of the survey.

There are two main parts of the survey: Part I (Industry Experience and Operation) and Part II (Irrigation Scheduling). Optionally, there is a Part III (Cultivar-Specific Yield and Irrigation).

At the end of Part II, you will have the option to provide additional information in Part III - Cultivar-Specific Yield and Irrigation. Should you decide to provide these additional details, you will be entered into a raffle draw for a $100 gift voucher