Form Instructions

Please provide your feedback about your digital learning experience during this course by completing this evaluation form. Your responses are important to us, as they will assist us to identify and make any improvements to our digital learning courses.

Question Title

* 1. About you

Question Title

* 2. What is your main reason for attending this learning program today?

Question Title

* 3. How did you/were you booked into attend this learning program.

Question Title

* 4. Booking onto the course was easy

Question Title

* 5. I have a Queensland Rail computer login username and password

Question Title

* 6. I have easy access to a computer to complete online learning

Question Title

* 7. Learning Outcomes

  not applicable strongly disagree disagree unsure agree strongly agree
Learning objectives were clearly communicated
The level of information was suitable for me
The amount of information was suitable for me
The topics were well organised and easy to understand
The activities helped me to understand the content
The flow of the program was logical
The instructions provided were clear and easy to follow
The online delivery mode for this course was appropriate
The multimedia (videos, animation & images) were appropriate and relevant for the content
This type of delivery method allowed greater flexibility to fit around my daily task requirements
Overall, this digital learning program met my expectations

Question Title

* 8. Technical Aspects

  not applicable strongly disagree disagree unsure agree strongly agree
I am confident in using computers
I am confident in using online learning products
The product was easy to navigate around from beginning to end and did not disrupt my learning
Videos / images / audio did not take too long to load
The size of the images and video were suitable
The audio was clear and easy to understand
This course would be more accessible / convenient for me it was available on a mobile device (i.e. smart phone or tablet)

Question Title

* 9. Learner Engagement

  not applicable strongly disagree disagree unsure agree strongly agree
My line manager discussed with me why I needed to complete this learning program
My line manager has discussed with me the ways in which I can transfer this learning of this program back into my workplace
I am confident that I will be able to apply what I have learned when I return to the workplace