About Leadership Deli and the Application Process

Thank you for interest in applying to Leadership Deli! Submit your application before Monday, February 3, 2025 at 9am! You can view a PDF version of the full application here.

Reminder: We encourage up to two (2) team members from each organization apply. Please have each participant complete this application.

Leadership Deli is a cohort learning experience for visionary leaders in organizations of all stages and sizes. Across eight (8) four-hour (4 hour) sessions, you will learn relational tools to challenge and disrupt outdated concepts of leadership. Further details on Leadership Deli, including the schedule, can be found here.

Application Criteria
To join Leadership Deli, you and your organization must be:
  • Open to learning, ready to engage, and willing to be vulnerable.
    Ready to grow on your own and as a collective.
  • You must be willing to lean into discussions that challenge the status quo.
  • Committed to deepening relationships in our community. Participants are expected to fully engage in all sessions to cultivate a shared learning space.
In all of our Learning Communities, NEW strives to bring together diverse cohorts of people with a wide range of lived experiences. This fosters more learning, creativity, and innovation. As we pursue a just and thriving society, we also center our work on the people and communities that have been historically underrepresented or marginalized.

This means taking intentional action to include people who have been excluded, denied access, or limited in their influence based on: race or ethnicity, age, ability status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, and other markers of identity. As we’re building our cohort, we’ll consider all of the identities you share with us, with a promise not to tokenize or penalize you based on “what boxes you check”.

Please direct any questions or concerns to Mai Hitotsuyanagi (mhitotsuyanagi@new.org).
17% of survey complete.