Welcome to the Embracing Equity Leadership Residency Application!
This yearlong Leadership Residency focuses on transformational change at the individual, interpersonal, and institutional levels. We look forward to learning more about you and your organization.

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* 1. First and Last Name

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* 2. Email

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* 3. Phone Number

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* 4. Organization Name

Understanding You and Your Anti-Racist Leadership

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* 7. For the set of statements below, reflect on your current organization and role, and answer how strongly you agree or disagree with each.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
I am able to identify systemic racism in my organization.
I have the skills to create a strategic plan that will lead to long term sustained equity and anti-racism work.
I am able to identify and dismantle organizational systems and structures that result in inequitable outcomes for staff and/or students.
I have developed my own racial literacy and critical lens.
I use my own racial literacy and critical lens for all decisions, policies, and practices within the organization
I have the skills to utilize equity-related data to identify trends, set goals and create a concrete action plan to achieve them.
My role allows me to make recommendations, set goals, and create action steps for the organization.
Understanding Your Organizational Structures, Processes, and Procedures

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* 8. For the set of statements below, reflect on the current organizational structures, processes, and procedures and answer where you are with implementation of each.

  Not Yet Started Planning Has Begun Implemented & Have Evidence of Use Leading & Modeling for Others
Our organization has a mission statement that incorporates anti-racism.
Our organization has an internal structure with a goal to address issues of racial equity. (For example, an equity committee or council)
Our organization has written procedures to intentionally increase the recruitment, retention, and promotion of People of Color.
Professional development and/or training on racial equity is made available to all employees.
Our organization has processes to address race-based incidents.

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* 10. How many staff do you have?

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* 11. How many students will be directly and/or indirectly impacted by your organization's work?

Understanding Your Organization's Anti-Racism Journey

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* 12. Where is your organization on its anti-racism journey? What have you done to advance this work? What are some successes and what are your pain points?

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* 13. In 3- 5 sentences, describe why you are interested in the Leadership Residency?

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* 14. In 3-5 sentences, describe why you believe now is the time that your organization should participate in the yearlong Leadership Residency?

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* 15. If your wildest dreams around racial equity for your organization were achieved, what would we see?

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* 16. The Leadership Residency consists of the following components:
  • Complete the Equity Audit survey
  • Attend 3-day Virtual Retreat in July 2025
  • Set individual and organizational goals based on the Equity Audit findings
  • Attend quarterly Community of Practice sessions
  • Attend the Individual and Group Coaching Sessions
  • Attend some of the optional Office Hours

Can you commit to full participation in all of these program components?

Understanding Your Intersecting Identities

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* 17. I identify as (select all that apply):

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* 18. Please share your specific ethnicities in the space below. For example, Guatemalan, Korean, Navajo Nation, Pakistani, Puerto Rican, Samoan, et al. 

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* 19. I identify as (select all that apply):

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* 20. What additional intersecting identities would you like to share? For example, ability, class, first language, health, nationality, religion, sexuality, etc.

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* 21. Is there anything else you would like to share with us?

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* 22. Can we add you to the Embracing Equity Newsletter Community?

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