Later Start Time Parent/Guardian Survey |
1. Later Start Time Elementary School Parent Survey
The Amherst Regional School District's Later Start Times Task Force is evaluating potential options for implementing a later morning start time for middle and high school students. Research clearly shows that such a change would benefit teens, whose sleep cycles shift around the time they enter 7th grade (a link to the research summary is available at The Task Force's role is to provide information about start time options to the Superintendent. Any recommendation for a schedule change would be made by the Superintendent for action by the School Committees. Because of shared buses, proposals to change the secondary schools' start times would also change elementary school schedules.
The following three options are being considered:
Option 1: Keep the current schedule for all schools.
Option 2: Start the elementary school day one hour earlier.
Option 3: Start the elementary school day one half-hour later.
Your input is an important component in the Task Forces' research and we appreciate you answering the questions below.
The following three options are being considered:
Option 1: Keep the current schedule for all schools.
Option 2: Start the elementary school day one hour earlier.
Option 3: Start the elementary school day one half-hour later.
Your input is an important component in the Task Forces' research and we appreciate you answering the questions below.