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What if we could achieve the exceptional as a community? What kind of community do we want to leave behind for our children and grandchildren? How do we create the transformative in our plans that help get us to our aspirational horizon line?

Langley City is creating an Economic Development Strategy that aims to answer these questions.

Great things have been happening in Langley City. A Fraser Valley economic hub. Strong economic growth in education, healthcare and professional services. A stable manufacturing sector. A rich history, vibrant downtown core, and a community appreciated for its people-first connectivity.

This said, the global, national, and BC economy continues to rapidly evolve. An estimated 2028 completion date for extension of the Surrey Langley SkyTrain extension to Langley City will bring growth and change. Emerging industries like tech, downtown vibrancy, housing affordability, and entrepreneurship will be important means to achieve economic resiliency.

Economic Development Strategies are about job creation, but also community development and the joy we seek in life well-lived. Emerging industries like tech. Downtown vibrancy. Housing affordability. Entrepreneurship. Placemaking. When we connect these dots, an Economic Development Strategy can be the ONE plan that answers a question at the soul of community pride, sense of belonging, and belief in a positive future: why does Langley City “matter” to existing and potential residents, investors, and visitors?

We need your input and ideas!

Thank you in advance for spending a bit of time to complete the survey. The survey will remain open until June 24, 2024.

Note: for purpose of this survey, we define “Mainstreet” as the Fraser Highway between Glover Road and 206 St.. We define “Downtown” as 203 to 207 east-west and Logan Ave. to Douglas Crescent north-south. We define “Commercial Services” as north Glover Road and Langley Bypass.

Note: The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act governs the information collected in this survey. Only compiled aggregate results will be used, and will be made available to the public at a future date.
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