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* 1. Was this the first laboratory tour you ever organized?

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* 2. What was the name of the legislator and/or staff you met with?

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* 3. Please provide a summary of the discussion:

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* 4. What was the date the lab tour took place?


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* 5. Do you have any pictures you would like to submit to CAP staff to feature you in the PathNET newsletter or the CAP's Advocacy update?

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.

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* 6. Is any follow up from CAP staff necessary?

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* 7. Are there things the CAP can do to help you prepare for the laboratory more? Are there things that worked well?

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* 8. How likely are you to host another laboratory tour in the future?

Unlikely Very likely

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* 9. Please provide us with your contact information

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