Applicant & Event Details

Wellness is a priority for ASDA. To help ASDA chapters expand their wellness programming, we’re providing financial support to chapters for their wellness events.

This grant is intended to help increase member participation at in-person wellness-related activities and programs. Grants will be awarded to a maximum of 5 chapters for up to $500 each.

The application must be submitted with supporting materials by October 1, 2024 at 11:59 pm CST.

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* 1. Applicant first and last name

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* 2. Applicant email address

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* 3. Applicant chapter officer position

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* 5. Has your chapter hosted a wellness event before?

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* 6. Please provide a brief description of the activity/event your chapter plans to hold. 

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* 7. If your event is a collaboration between more than one chapter or other groups, please list them here.

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* 8. When is the event expected to take place? (Month and year)

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* 9. Expected number of ASDA members that will attend this event: