2023 PCWF | Teacher Feedback Form

The Peterborough Children's Water Festival returned to in-person delivery for 2023. Your feedback on the experience will help the PCWF Steering Committee continue to meet the needs of educators, students, and water.

Completing this survey should take approximately 10 minutes. Please complete this survey before end of day on Wednesday, June 7th, 2023. 

Miigwetch (thank you)! 

**Please note all teachers who include their e-mail within the form will be entered in a draw to win a Downtown Peterborough $100 Gift Certificate!
1.Your Name
2.E-mail address *for a chance to win a $100 gift certificate
4.Grade (*if split, which grade has majority of students)
5.How did you hear about the Peterborough Children's Water Festival? (select all that apply)
6.What attracted or motivated you to attend the Water Festival this year? (choose all that apply)
7.Reflecting on the activities you visited, which activities provided the most engagement and learning experience for your students?
8.Which activities do you think will most likely create a change in your behaviour or attitudes towards water?
9.When you reflect on the 2023 PCWF as a whole, what do you think are the key messages you and your students are taking away?
10.Have you used any of the following additional resources provided by the PCWF?
11.Would you attend the PCWF again in the future?
12.Did you experience any barriers to attend? What would make it easier for you to attend in the future?
13.What additional feedback would you like to pass along to the Steering Committee?
14.The Peterborough Children’s Water Festival could not provide subsidized opportunities for your class without the generous support from the community, grants, and partners. Please provide a testimonial sharing your love for the festival! *Please add your name if we are able to use it alongside your testimonial
Current Progress,
0 of 14 answered