Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Scribblers Festival 2024!
Volunteering with us at Scribblers Festival is a great opportunity to gain work experience on a major event. You will assist in providing a unique experience to our audiences by making the program fun, enriching, and accessible to all. There are a number of ways you can get involved.
If you would like the opportunity to volunteer at Scribblers Festival 2024, please complete the following Volunteer Application.

Please note that all information provided in this document will be treated as strictly confidential by FORM and its employees.

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Scribblers 2023 Saturday Volunteer Team

Scribblers 2023 Saturday Volunteer Team

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* 1. Have you previously volunteered with Scribblers Festival and/or FORM? If yes, please provide details:

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* 2. Please provide us with your contact information

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* 3. Pronouns

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* 4. Date of Birth


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* 5. Do you have special needs that would require extra assistance e.g. with mobility?

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* 6. If yes, please give details otherwise leave blank

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* 7. Do you identify as any of the following?

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* 8. Emergency Contact Name

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* 9. Emergency Contact Phone Number

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* 10. Relationship to Emergency Contact

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* 11. If Under 18 email of parent or guardian so we can send them electronic parent/guardian consent form

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* 12. Do you have any medical conditions that may affect your ability to volunteer? If yes, please provide details:

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* 13. Do you have any other volunteering experience? If yes, please provide details:

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* 14. Please specify any skills or experience you will bring to the Scribblers Festival Volunteer Team (you can choose more than one)

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* 15. Do you have any food allergies or special dietary requirements? If yes, please provide details:

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* 16. Do you hold a current Working With Children's Check? Please note all our volunteers age 18 and above (under 18 will need their parent consent form signed and under 16 will need a guardian present) will need a current one in order to be able to volunteer with us.
Please forward a copy of your WWCC to - If you volunteered in 2023 and your WWCC is still valid, no need to send it again we have it on file :-)

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* 17. If you have a current WWCC please provide # :

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* 18. If you have a current WWCC please provide expiry date :

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* 19. Do you hold any relevant certificates or licenses?

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* 20. We are aiming at having T-Shirts for our volunteers this year. Could you please provide us with your size?

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* 21. When are you available to volunteer with us?

Please note that this is estimated availability, we will double check availabilities with Volunteers several weeks prior to Scribblers Festival – we will schedule you for some or all the shifts that are selected. Your shifts will be confirmed closer to the event.

Shifts duration will depend on allocation and will vary from 3-7 Hours during Weekdays and around 5-7 Hours during the weekend. All shifts will have a 30min break. For shorter shifts the break might be at the end of the shift.

  Available from 8am-4pm May be available- to confirm with me closer to dates
Golden Feather Mailout (Weekdays in June)
Lead up Festival preparation (Weekdays in October for Area coordinators or punctual helpers)
Wednesday 23th October (Scribblers 2024-School Program in Perth CBD)
Thursday 24th October (Scribblers 2024-School Program in Perth CBD)
Friday 25th October (Scribblers 2024-School Program in Perth CBD and set up Family Weekend)
Saturday 26th October (Scribblers 2024- Family Weekend in Perth CBD)
Sunday 27th October (Scribblers 2024- Family Weekend in Perth CBD)
Monday 28th October (Scribblers 2024-School Program in Perth CBD)
Assistance post Festival with Data Entry and other Admin duties (November Weekdays)
Interest to help at other times if volunteers are needed (We will contact you if we need some assistance)

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* 22. Would you like to volunteer with a friend or in a specific area? If yes, please tell us more-Please note we cannot guarantee that you will be allocated what you wish but we will do our best to accommodate you.

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* 23. Please specify if you have any further comments or specifications regarding your availability (for example the number of days or shifts you are willing to volunteer for):

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* 24. How did you hear about Scribblers Festival

Volunteer Agreement

(1) I understand that as a Scribblers Festival Volunteer, I am a representative of Scribblers Festival and of FORM and agree to conduct myself in a friendly and professional manner at all times.

(2) I understand that the effective and professional running of Scribblers Festival relies on the work of volunteers, and therefore will endeavour to be punctual and reliable in relation to the times I have agreed to volunteer. I will endeavour to give the Volunteer Coordinator at least 24 hours’ notice if I am unable to fulfil my commitments as scheduled.

(3) I understand that all volunteer work at Scribblers Festival will be carried out in a safe work environment and that I am required to attend a volunteer briefing session held by the Volunteer Coordinator before the commencement of the Festival.

(4) I understand I am covered by the Scribblers Festival’s Volunteer Insurance for all volunteer work carried out during my scheduled shifts. As a condition to my insurance I have to ‘sign-in’ and ‘sign-out’ of the workplace every shift.

(5) I understand that I am required to obtain a Working With Children Check and that I will need to provide proof of this before I can commence any volunteer duties.

(6) I declare that I have had the opportunity to ask questions. I have read, understood, and agree to the terms of the Scribblers Festival Volunteer Agreement and will strive to fulfil my responsibilities to the best of my ability.

(7) I understand that becoming a volunteer of Scribblers Festival will mean I give permission for the Scribblers Festival to take photography and publish it on their website, social media and future promotional materials.

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* 25. By ticking this box I agree to the Volunteer Agreement

Thank you so much for registering your interest, we could not run our Festival without your help.

We are looking forward to sharing with you another great Scribblers Festival and celebrate the magic of storytelling.

Please don't forget to click on "Apply to Become a Scribblers Festival Volunteer 2024" button below to submit your application

The Scribblers Festival Team