2020 Hometown Legislative Action Day

Thank you for taking a minute to answer a few short questions about Hometown Legislative Action Day. This survey is anonymous unless you choose to leave your name and contact information at the end.

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* 1. Please check the events you attended:

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* 2. Was the discussion format (versus formal presentations) of advocacy initiatives and bills being followed by staff helpful?

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* 3. Did the legislative issues covered give you enough information to understand them and talk with your legislators?

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* 4. If not, what else would have been helpful?

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* 5. During Hometown Legislative Action Day, what is the most useful source of information about issues discussed?

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* 6. Please rate the sessions you attended

  Excellent Good Could be better Didn't attend
Keynote Address - Senator Harvey Peeler, President, SC Senate
Senate Panel Discussion
Legislative Briefing
Place Branding and Economic Development
Lunch Address - Senator Marlon Kimpson
Municipal Elections and SC's New Voting System
Mayors' Forum
Short Takes: SC PEBA Update
Short Takes: Reducing Liability and Claims Costs
Short Takes: Business License Standardization

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* 7. Why did you attend Hometown Legislative Action Day this year?

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* 8. What can the Municipal Association do to make the 2021 Hometown Legislative Action Day even better?