
Bectu/CULT Cymru has received funding from the British Film Commission to look into Fair Work, Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Post Production Sector. Bectu/CULT Cymru has already undertaken significant work around mental health and wellbeing through the WellBeing Facilitator pilots supported by Creative Wales and 6ft from the Spotlight.

Feedback from Bectu members working in Post Production has identified that they and their colleagues face additional barriers due to the isolation that they face, in particular new entrants and those from under-represented groups. Advancement in technology, an increase in the number of people working from home since the pandemic and the recent sector slowdown has exacerbated the situation.

According to The Film & TV Charity’s ‘The Looking Glass Survey’ 2022 only 11% of respondents believe that the film and TV industry is a mentally healthy place to work.

Bectu’s recent snap polls on the lack of work in the screen sector revealed that in Wales 54% are out of work, 68% of respondents were struggling with their mental health and 79% are finding things financially difficult. UK wide younger workers were fairing particularly badly, with 90% of 18-24 year olds and 82% of those aged 25-34 experiencing mental health challenges due to lack of work and financial worries. 47% of the workforce in Wales said they were thinking of leaving the industry.

We have also drawn on information from the Film and TV Charity’s ‘The Whole Picture Toolkit’, developed in collaboration with the mental health charity Mind

The purpose of this survey is to gain further knowledge into the factors impacting poor mental health within the post-production sector so that we can identify ways of working with employers and Welsh Government to address the situation.

All responses to this survey are confidential and will be securely stored. Bectu/CULT Cymru's privacy policy can be seen online here :

Question Title

* 1. I consent to Bectu retaining my information subject to the above privacy statement.

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* 2. Name

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* 3. email address

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* 4. Where do you live?

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* 5. Where do you work?

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* 6. What is your employment status?

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* 7. How long have you had a career in Post-production?

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* 8. Which of the following best describes the area of post-production you work in, or aim to work in? Please choose upto 5 main fields.

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* 9. In which genre or genres do you work?

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* 10. Where do you conduct the majority of your work?

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* 11. How would rate your mental health when working in post-production and the screen industry at the moment?

Very poor Fair Very good
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.