1. L&D Associates Survey

L&D Associates Consulting Group, Inc is committed to providing quality and timely services.

Our services include grantmaking, technical writing, program evaluation, informatics, and evidence-based literature searching.  Our efforts have focused on health promotion and disease prevention as well as green technologies, renewable energy, and sustainable economic development.   We have assisted and led programs on eHealth training for consumers, rural health literacy outreach, evaluation logic models, and grant review and evaluation.

We provide program assessment, program development and help secure funding for Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) federal grants for our clients.  We have success in Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Defense, National Science Foundation and other agency SBIR programs.  

This survey instrument is intended to help L&D Associates provide greater breath and depth of services to its clients.

We look forward to reviewing your responses and serving you better.  When you have completed the survey drop us a line at information@landd.net to let us know you have done so.  Thank you. 

N.B. All responses are confidential.

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* 1. Please select which of the following best describes your agency

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* 2. What is your primary business interest?

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* 3. In what region of the country (US) are you located?

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* 4. In an average year, how many grant applications do you submit?

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* 5. Do you negotiate with an outside entity to provide grantmaking services?

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* 6. If no do you have an grant writing specialist on staff?

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* 7. What are your grant writing needs?

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* 8. What additional information, guidance or assistance might we provide you? 

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* 9. If you would like a representative from L&D Associates Consulting Group to contact you please add your email address here. We will contact you and discuss your needs and how we can serve you best.